Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Sunday, May 28, 2006
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Trouble with Ex's
Why does my Ex, my childrens father think just because it would normally be his evening to have kids that he can ring and say, I have 2 hours between my board meeting im coming to see kids, what are you cooking me for dinner. Sheesh i stopped cooking for him the day we seperated. Well he did just that last night, he couldnt have the kids cause he had a board meeting in the evening and he lives over the other side of town, about an hour away so he decided that before his meeting he would just ring and say he was coming over and would just sit at my house with the kids and expext me to cook. I cracked and said I wasnt cooking, so he said I will get the girls and take them to get food. He just doesnt understand that we are co parents and I am not his best freind, have not been his freind or anything like it since he walked out 4 years ago. Well to end the story I decided that if my kids where having indian why shouldnt I, all at the ex's expense of course. If anyone spotted us dining together don't get the wrong idea, we are not back together never will be, and no I am not going to be the photographer at his upcoming wedding.
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Sick of being sick
I am so bored with being sick, I realise that staying home and resting is all going to help in me getting better but im so bored. All my freinds work so its not like they can come and visit during the day. Well tommorow I am going into the ciy. I will be rugged up with my long coat on. I am off to buy a tripod to go with my new camera, i have researching on an online photograhy site and now have made my choice and the only place that has them is in the city and on special. Now my photos will be a bit more steady etc.
My kids are also sick of me being sick cause they havent been able to go anywhere other than school and home, so tonight they are getting a treat of takeaway food. Not maccas or the colonel though, more like Fish for them and hamberger for me with chips, nice and fattening but hell its a once off.
My kids are also sick of me being sick cause they havent been able to go anywhere other than school and home, so tonight they are getting a treat of takeaway food. Not maccas or the colonel though, more like Fish for them and hamberger for me with chips, nice and fattening but hell its a once off.
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
A little out of pitch

The piano man has arrived to service my piano and thankfully it is only slightly out of pitch, with only a couple of keys sticking. My piano is a 1920's upright piano in good condition but rarely gets played with any florish as my kids are only just learning and I myself only learnt guitar but when I get the chance will have some piano lessons.
I myself am feeling more than slightly out of pitch having had not much sleep and lots of coughing etc, I think I need a week in the sun to recouperate. Thankfully one of my freinds offered to come over with chicken soup and look after me last night but as my kids are here he decided not to.
Monday, May 22, 2006
all the tus's
I have been sick this weekend, I wen't to my doctor today and I have laryngitus, bronchitus and sinusitus. I do not want to hear of anything else that end in tus. But a good sleep would be nice.
Saturday, May 20, 2006
I have spent the last couple of days listening to an Aussie band called Soulframe, wow I really like their stuff and can't wait to hear more from them. I was put onto them by a freind a fellow blogger, Rubberman. Keep up the good work is all I can say to the band. Everyone have a listen.
Friday, May 19, 2006
Always look on the bright side of life!
Hey, what was all the fuss about the Davinci Code. I didn't bother being a sheep like everyone and reading the book, and whilst I am not religious it was great seeing all the old churches etc and yes there were a couple of twists and I do like Audrey Tatou and Paul Bettany. But I expected Tom Hanks to come across a basketball and start talking to it. lol. I was also waiting for the Monty Python boys to enter stage left of screen and start singing Always lok on the bright side of life. Well it was a long movie, the seats where highly uncomfortable but my movie partner was quite enjoyable, he and I both agreed next time we will go to gold class cinema where the seats recline and you can drink and eat.
Now its time for sleep and yes I have no voice, which makes it hard for chatting about the movie over coffee afterwards.
Now its time for sleep and yes I have no voice, which makes it hard for chatting about the movie over coffee afterwards.
Pass the tissues
Why is it one minute you go to bed feeling fine, then you wake up next morning, coughing and with a stuffy head and are running round looking for the tissue box. This happened to me yesterday and no doubt will h appen again over winter. The common cold reduced me to being in bed early last night with a shopping bag full of used tissues next to the bed and a very sore red nose. Sleep was not great, you wake at 2am when the cold tablets have worn off and then spend the rest of the night only getting short naps. Well i am going to realy look great tonight when I go out on the town. grrr
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Ruby Tuesday
What a glorious day it is in ZMelbourne, sun is shinning, birds a singing. Kids are screaming. What more could I want.
Off to gym this morning, then as it is such a nice day im gonna take my camera and go and take some pictures. I took some the other day but it was overcast and they didnt turn out so good, shows that i have a lot to learn but I will get there. Need some new pictures to put on here it is getting a little dull with all the words and nothing to look at.
Have a great day all and don't work to hard.
Off to gym this morning, then as it is such a nice day im gonna take my camera and go and take some pictures. I took some the other day but it was overcast and they didnt turn out so good, shows that i have a lot to learn but I will get there. Need some new pictures to put on here it is getting a little dull with all the words and nothing to look at.
Have a great day all and don't work to hard.
Monday, May 15, 2006
I don't like mondays
Mondays, the start of the working week for some. Well I woke far to early, 6am instead of 7am when the alarm is supposed to go off. Yes I know I could have gotten up and gone for a walk but it was to cold so I stayed in bed with Red Symons talking to me from my radio.
Another overcast Melbourne day and the last day of my MYOB course, yipee. I can see why some people don't like it, but then like lots of things if you don't set them up correctly in the first place then they wont work properly.
Both my children have school swiming lessons for the next 2 weeks, which means not a lot of normal school work will get done and half of the kids will get sick, fancy doing swimming lessons in Melbourne in winter.
What am I going to fill my week doing, I have only one appoinment this week and only one date in my diary and thats on friday night.
Another overcast Melbourne day and the last day of my MYOB course, yipee. I can see why some people don't like it, but then like lots of things if you don't set them up correctly in the first place then they wont work properly.
Both my children have school swiming lessons for the next 2 weeks, which means not a lot of normal school work will get done and half of the kids will get sick, fancy doing swimming lessons in Melbourne in winter.
What am I going to fill my week doing, I have only one appoinment this week and only one date in my diary and thats on friday night.
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Commercial crap (aka mothers day) again
Well every where you look it is mothers day, families out having breakfast and lunch celebrating. Flowers being given and thanks being said to mums all over the place. Well yes I have phoned my mum and wished her happy mothers day. And I have had 2 male freinds wish me happy mothers day, but do you think my kids have bothered to call me, no they are at thier dads and obviously having to much fun, I even phoned them and the youngest girl didnt want to speak to me and the oldest only said hello, can't talk where going out for lunch and hung up. Am I that bad a mum that they dont even notice, no I don't think I am but at 8 & 11 there are more exciting things to be doing.
Well that leaves me to a day of relaxation and well basically being along. oh well.
Well that leaves me to a day of relaxation and well basically being along. oh well.
Friday, May 12, 2006
Girls night in
Well tonights girls night out is now a girls night in, 2 of my girlfreinds have there kids tonight so we can't go out. Now having a girls night in with dvd's. I am the one who has to get the dvd's. and have been asked to get some romantic comedies. Let me see, am I really in the mood for Notting Hill again and hearing how much the readers of Horse on Hound magazine love Julia Roberts. But the others want to watch it so I will. bottle of wine might make me get through the night. Do you think they would notice if i slipped in Kill bill 1 & 2 instead. lol
Still not groovy
Just woke up and I still fee l tired and crappy. Will have to have a quiet day as its a regular girlfreinds night out on the town tonight and I want to make sure I am all sparky for that. Still trying to decide on a venue for our night out.
Yesterdays job interview wasnt that great, job turned out to be general dogs body, cleaner, receptionist and pa, which is not what I applied for. Well on to the next job advertisment as eventually something will come up.
Yesterdays job interview wasnt that great, job turned out to be general dogs body, cleaner, receptionist and pa, which is not what I applied for. Well on to the next job advertisment as eventually something will come up.
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Feeling not so groovy
Why is it I wake up today feeling horrid and still have not much of a voice and the start of a cold. Of all days, why a day when I have a job interview and have to go and impress someone, how can you impress them if your sniffling and reaching for tissues. Oh well I can only do my best and hope that is good enough. Then I can come home and curl up on the bed for the rest of the day.
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Silence is golden, or is it?
Why is it that I think if someone stops contacting me either by txt msg or messenger that I have been blocked and ignored, but yes that is how I react. Well this is not always true, some people get busy with their lives and maybe forget or dont get the chance to say hey, I'm still here just dealing with shit at the moment. So my 2 strikes and your out rule may have to be altered, but only if the person is truly worthy.
Of to the gym today to do my new back exercises, so in advance of tommorow I will say, oh my aching muscles. lol
Of to the gym today to do my new back exercises, so in advance of tommorow I will say, oh my aching muscles. lol
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
What a great day
I went and signed my bond papers, so my bond money should be in my back account tommorow, yippie. I then went into CBD and had a interview with a job agency, they may have a position to put my name up for. Then after I left there I got a call for another interview with a place that is 5 mins from home, and good hours, only 4 days a week. That interview is thursday so plenty of time to study up on the organisation.
Now about to start preparing dinner, gee I hate cooking and also expecting a phone call from a guy whom I was supposed to meet last Sunday, hopefully we will catch up this wekend, if I can fit him into my schedule.
Now about to start preparing dinner, gee I hate cooking and also expecting a phone call from a guy whom I was supposed to meet last Sunday, hopefully we will catch up this wekend, if I can fit him into my schedule.
Monday, May 08, 2006
Monday is getting better

Just received a phone call telling me my ex landlord has backed down about taking my bond, they new i had a winable case. woohoo that has paid for my camera and now i can put some more pics up.
Fitta sorry I have made you jealous, but hahahahahaha time things went good for me and your turn will come.
Monday, Monday
I started some new gym leg exercises yesterday, and boy can I feel it in the legs today, hope that in 6 weeks of doing these my legs will look different. I am also starting some new back exercises on tuesday so lookout for the new shaped me, coming to this blog soon. Thanks to the advice I got from a PT. Ooops there is no pic of me already oh well.
This week looks to be a good week, not a lot of plans so I will get time to go and use my new camera so more pics to come later.
This week looks to be a good week, not a lot of plans so I will get time to go and use my new camera so more pics to come later.
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Saturday, May 06, 2006
Happy birthday to me.....
Hey Wednesday was a fantastic day, doesnt worry me how many candles needed to be on my birthday cake, just the fact it was my birthday and I got to celebrate. I had breakfast with my kids, lunch with my best freind and dinner with some other freinds, so the day is spent all about ME. Friday was also a busy day, had a function at my kids school for mothers day which is always nice, champagne and nibbles and our kids get to sing for us, Then I had to drop my kids into the city to their father so in the pouring rain I battled to get them there, with my 11yo throwing a tantrum in the back of the car.
Spent the evening having a drink with a freind at Crown Casino and then had dinner. My weekend is now free as my kids are not home till monday, shame the weather is so crappy, I would go and take more photos. My new camera is on hold due to a dispute im having with my former landlord, but as I right this I am thinking I will just get the money out of my savings and get it anyway.
Spent the evening having a drink with a freind at Crown Casino and then had dinner. My weekend is now free as my kids are not home till monday, shame the weather is so crappy, I would go and take more photos. My new camera is on hold due to a dispute im having with my former landlord, but as I right this I am thinking I will just get the money out of my savings and get it anyway.
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
What a weekend, wow
I had a busy weekend, with lots of highs and lows in it, when is my life gonna get back to being just normal and running along smoothly. No idea when that will be and I have to just get through it a day at a time. But I am glad i have some good freinds in my life.
Another nice day in Melbourne today so time i got of my computer chair and grabbed my camera and went and took some more phots, I am still yet to get my new camera as I am watitng for some money to be refunded to me which is going to pay for it, I could use the creidt card but that would be to easy.
Oh i must not forget, tommorow is a day for celebrating, a day for me to eat birthday cake and blow out candles, and no I am not going to admit on here how many candles the cake will have, a women never tells her age..... until then enjoy
Another nice day in Melbourne today so time i got of my computer chair and grabbed my camera and went and took some more phots, I am still yet to get my new camera as I am watitng for some money to be refunded to me which is going to pay for it, I could use the creidt card but that would be to easy.
Oh i must not forget, tommorow is a day for celebrating, a day for me to eat birthday cake and blow out candles, and no I am not going to admit on here how many candles the cake will have, a women never tells her age..... until then enjoy