Wednesday, February 28, 2007
I was awoken 30 mins ago by my radio alarm, to the news that Australian Music Legend Billy Thorpe had passed away 30 mins earlier after a heart attack at the age 60. I only saw him perform once but I hasve always enjoyed his music and one of my most favourite songs is his version of Somewhere over the rainbow. This song has always brought a tear to my ey and more so since the death of my father 5 years ago, now when I listen to it I will also shed a tear for Billy. Bily loved to play his music the way I love to listen to it, LOUD. Im sure he is still rocking on loud n proud wherever his soul is.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Joyce the Voice
Happy birthday to my freind Joyce, the lead singer with the band Sacred. I went to her 40th birthday party tonight and what a blast, a bit of music and tv trivia, some great songs from joyce and her guitarist and a room full of great people. its amazing a room of about 50 people and some kids, most who had known Joyce a long time and some who like me have only known her a couple of years. I could count the number of my freinds, real freinds not acquantances to 10. she has so many more than that, oh and she has a cute cousin. ooops did I just write that.
Its almost 1pm and I am sober and wide awake, nothing on tv and only country music on the radio oh how bad that is.
one more day before I start my new job, I cant wait to get started. get busy learning all the things I need to know and getting to know the other staff. It is now time for me to be number 1, instead of everybody else.
Its almost 1pm and I am sober and wide awake, nothing on tv and only country music on the radio oh how bad that is.
one more day before I start my new job, I cant wait to get started. get busy learning all the things I need to know and getting to know the other staff. It is now time for me to be number 1, instead of everybody else.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Working 9 - 5
Let's celebrate. I got a job today, working as reception, admin assistant to sales team. I start on Monday. I went to the interview and half way through the interview I got offered the job, They originally weren 't paying enough but once they offered the job and I asked them to confirm the pay they asked me waht pay I was expecting, I told them what amount of pay I was earning as a casual admin person and sthey said they couldnt afford that so I said a figure that was the minimum I would accept and the Employer immediately said yes we can afford that.
Now i can pay off my credit card, get the puppy we are looking at and buy that extra photography gear ive been wanting. I will be so busy I wont have time to worry about being single.
Now i can pay off my credit card, get the puppy we are looking at and buy that extra photography gear ive been wanting. I will be so busy I wont have time to worry about being single.
Monday, February 19, 2007
Saturday, February 17, 2007
well last night was a fizzer, the guy I mentioned is only after a casual fling and thats not me. Oh well as I said time to just enjoy life and not worry about it. If something happens it will happen when i least expect it.
Friday, February 16, 2007
Friday again
I ended up being asked out for a drink on Valentines day, which was nice. A guy i had met once last year and for whatever reason at the time we had a missunderstanding and we didnt speak until now, when he contacted me. A really nice, genuine guy but, yet again a guy who is not ready for a relationship, and he is smart enough to say to me that I'm in a different space that im wanting a long term relationship which he cant do at the moment. I have also just noticed that he has taken his profile off RSVP, you basically do that if your met someone and want to be exclusive or you decide you dont want to be dating, i have no idea which is his reason but we are catching up again today so maybe I will ask. I am qwuiet happy just to be freinds, and I am not silly enough to think I can change his mind about a relationship.
I didn't get the job I went for the other day, could have done the job easily and I am getting realy pissed of. I work one evening a week with some people, have worked with them for 10 years but its voluntary not a paying job. They can't understand why I havent been snapped up for a job.
I didn't get the job I went for the other day, could have done the job easily and I am getting realy pissed of. I work one evening a week with some people, have worked with them for 10 years but its voluntary not a paying job. They can't understand why I havent been snapped up for a job.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Comercial Crap Day
Yes it is valentines day, why the hell cant people show their love for 365 days of the year, are they that stupid that they can only show how they feel one day of the year. Would love to be a flower grower, florist or chocalte maker at the moment reaping in the money from all the suckers out there.
No I dont expect to receiveor send a Valentines card, I am single and have no one that im interest in and even if I did I wouldnt wait for today to write something soppy and stupid and send it to them.
Every day of the year should be a day for lovers.
No I dont expect to receiveor send a Valentines card, I am single and have no one that im interest in and even if I did I wouldnt wait for today to write something soppy and stupid and send it to them.
Every day of the year should be a day for lovers.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Planning ahead
Im just thinking about my birthday in May, I have a freind who sings in a band so im thinking of asking her how much it would cost to hire the band for the night and then the cost of hiring a venue. Not sure this will be cheap and again I didnt celebrate my 40th birthday a couple of years ago due to my being just seperated and my father sick . I wouldnt need a big venue as there would be only about 30 people invited. The band may not be an option but maybe I could ask her to just sing and play guitar on her own. maybe I could book a local restaurant.

I almost forgot to update on my foot, I saw my doctor on friday and i have a Heel spur, she said nothing can be done for it can take 18 months to get better. grr, cant imagine how a piece of bone growing into my heel will get better. Oh well I will have to manage, it doesnt hurt all day, more when i first wake up and then in the evenings when im relaxing.
No more bus stops

I still havent photographed a bus stop, tram stop or train station. I figure if I dont photograph them then I will not be left standing at one. Ok so you can see a picture of tram tracks but you will notice there is no tram stop in the picture.
I have a job interview tommorow so will see how that goes, its for a toy and hobby co. Be good if they sell jigsaws, which is my other fave hobby besides photography.
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Heronswood, The Briars and Cruden Farm

Jazz Muso
Dame Elizabeth Murdoch
Yesterday I started of my day with a visit to Heronswood historic home and gardens at Dromona, there I caught up with a photographer from the Get a life website, a nice guy his name is Naghee. Heronswood was designed and then built in 1971 for William Hearn, the first law professor at Melbourne University, the style of the house is Gothic Revival. The third owner was Justice Higgins a federal Attorney General. We spent an hour or so chatting over coffee and photographing the gardens and house. I then left Heronswood and Naghee headed home to Melbourne, I went to The Briars another historic home which I didnt bother going inside but took a couple of photos in the surround gardens.
Then I went on to Cruden Farm in Langwarrin, for late afternoon/evening of Jazz and a glass of wine. Cruden Farm is owned by Dame Elizabeth Murdoch, The farm was purchased by her late husband in 1928 where she came as a 19yo bride. It is only open to the public a couple of times a year for fundraising events. Whilst wandering around the gardens I spotted Dame Elizabeth sitting on the verandah of the house she was chatting to the public who where all wishing her a very happy 98th birthday for this coming thursday, I also wished her a wonderful birthday and asked her if I could take her photograph. With som many people wishing to speak with her I had to be quick and didnt think to change any settings on the camera but I am happy enough with the photo and most pleased that she allowed me to take it. The music was delightful, the crowd was huge I heard almost 1000 people but not sure about that, the wine was fantastic although I only had 2 glasses as I was on my own and had to drive back home. I arrived home at 8pm tired but happy that my day had been wonderful. Some of the many many photos I will post here. Of course my love for flower photos and the amount of beautiful and varied flowers in Dame Elizabeths gardens means I will be here for hours going through them.

Fuschia Ballerinas
Thursday, February 08, 2007
The week so far
Have had a quiet and intersting week. I had to have xrays and ultrasounds on my left foot on monday, my foot has been very sore and i had trouble walking on it last week. I am seeing my doctor this afternoon to get the results. Hope its nothing to serious. Tommorow I am seeing the employment agency to see what more I can do about getting a job, I am currently sending off at least 6-7 applications a week.
Saturday I am going to spend the day down at Mornington Peninsula, will go to Heronswood and take some photos of the gardens and buildings, will also take some photos around the area and then I will go to Cruden farm late afternoon to take some photos and to enjoy and evening of Jazz. Sunday night I may go to twilight jazz at the zoo, and will try and do some more gardening.
Saturday I am going to spend the day down at Mornington Peninsula, will go to Heronswood and take some photos of the gardens and buildings, will also take some photos around the area and then I will go to Cruden farm late afternoon to take some photos and to enjoy and evening of Jazz. Sunday night I may go to twilight jazz at the zoo, and will try and do some more gardening.