Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Working 9 - 5

Let's celebrate. I got a job today, working as reception, admin assistant to sales team. I start on Monday. I went to the interview and half way through the interview I got offered the job, They originally weren 't paying enough but once they offered the job and I asked them to confirm the pay they asked me waht pay I was expecting, I told them what amount of pay I was earning as a casual admin person and sthey said they couldnt afford that so I said a figure that was the minimum I would accept and the Employer immediately said yes we can afford that.

Now i can pay off my credit card, get the puppy we are looking at and buy that extra photography gear ive been wanting. I will be so busy I wont have time to worry about being single.


Blogger Haddock said...

Congrats on the job! Hope your first day goes well! :)

9:45 PM  

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