Heronswood, The Briars and Cruden Farm

Jazz Muso
Dame Elizabeth Murdoch
Yesterday I started of my day with a visit to Heronswood historic home and gardens at Dromona, there I caught up with a photographer from the Get a life website, a nice guy his name is Naghee. Heronswood was designed and then built in 1971 for William Hearn, the first law professor at Melbourne University, the style of the house is Gothic Revival. The third owner was Justice Higgins a federal Attorney General. We spent an hour or so chatting over coffee and photographing the gardens and house. I then left Heronswood and Naghee headed home to Melbourne, I went to The Briars another historic home which I didnt bother going inside but took a couple of photos in the surround gardens.
Then I went on to Cruden Farm in Langwarrin, for late afternoon/evening of Jazz and a glass of wine. Cruden Farm is owned by Dame Elizabeth Murdoch, The farm was purchased by her late husband in 1928 where she came as a 19yo bride. It is only open to the public a couple of times a year for fundraising events. Whilst wandering around the gardens I spotted Dame Elizabeth sitting on the verandah of the house she was chatting to the public who where all wishing her a very happy 98th birthday for this coming thursday, I also wished her a wonderful birthday and asked her if I could take her photograph. With som many people wishing to speak with her I had to be quick and didnt think to change any settings on the camera but I am happy enough with the photo and most pleased that she allowed me to take it. The music was delightful, the crowd was huge I heard almost 1000 people but not sure about that, the wine was fantastic although I only had 2 glasses as I was on my own and had to drive back home. I arrived home at 8pm tired but happy that my day had been wonderful. Some of the many many photos I will post here. Of course my love for flower photos and the amount of beautiful and varied flowers in Dame Elizabeths gardens means I will be here for hours going through them.

Fuschia Ballerinas
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