Monday, January 28, 2008
Do I give up
I have been taking photos for a couple of years, not all that I take are good but I always thought there where a few good ones. Freinds of mine have been very appreciative of my work and one in particular got me a paid gig to take photos for a presentation to a government department which she said went down wonderfully. Then I come across other people, some are other hobby photographers who cant seem to say a kind word about any of my work can only pick faults with it. It has left me wondering a few times whether I am wasting my time with photography as a hobby. I get a lot of enjoyment getting out and about to take the pics and the process them so should i just continue and keep the pictures to myself. My life revolves around my job, my kids, my dog and what little social life I can muster up so there is not much else for me to enjoy.
Friday, January 18, 2008
Fort Queenscliff Keep
This one I left the building dark and left the sky as it was.
This one i increased the saturation a lot and darkened the sky but this caused a Halo between the buildings and the sky.

I went to queenscliff yesterday and took a few photos. I have played around with one so far and have created to different versions. See above.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Sunday, January 06, 2008
This weekend
I survived 3 days back at work but there was not a lot of work to do. Picked up my kids on riday night and came home as started feeling yuk, upset stomach and throwing up. felt a bit better yesterday and went out for a while to try and stay cool in airconditioned shops. kjids got very cranky and we ended up at the beach at 5pm for a couple of hours which was ok, water was nice and cool. by 10pm i was sick again, nore upset stomach and throwing up. Today i will have to e extra careful what I eat if I eat at all. Im so tired as I got not a lot of sleep. I have to take the kids back accross town to there dads later today that wont be fun.
Feeling so crap that im not even wanting to go out and take photos, that is how i judge if im not well.
Feeling so crap that im not even wanting to go out and take photos, that is how i judge if im not well.
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
New years day is here, a day for me to relax and ponder the year ahead. Day before I go back to work after having 10 days to relax. This year I am going to make every attemtp to be even better than the last year. I came into last year single with high hopes and well with lots of dates and one shortlived relationship I have decided that this year I have no expectations. I have a happy life and I have my hobby which is photography, if someone comes into my life for whatever reason as a freind, lover or partner then great but I will not stress about it. No longer am I anywhere near bus stops I avoid them at all costs.
I realise that life is for living and that it can all be taken away to easily, an acquantance of mine was told last month that her husband has at most 3 years to live, he has cancer throughout his body and no treatment will cure it. Imagine having 3 children under 15 and knowing you wont be around to watch them grow up, when i heard this news it made me so sad, made me realise that my problems where nothing just little hickups in life compared to this.
Last year I didnt acheive all the things I had listed, I got the guitar and started playing again only to realise my carpal tunnell syndrome has effected that. I didnt get my motorbike licence or buy a bike I just couldnt afford to and after a freind having a very serious bike accident I am rethinking that one.
I an going to save some money and have that holiday I have wanted and needed for a few years, It may only turn out to be a week away in most likely Sabah (Borneo) but a week is better than nothing.
My job is great and that is something I acheived last year finding a great job and great people to work with.
Well enough for now it is way to hot and stuffy and im tired from staying up for new years eve.
I realise that life is for living and that it can all be taken away to easily, an acquantance of mine was told last month that her husband has at most 3 years to live, he has cancer throughout his body and no treatment will cure it. Imagine having 3 children under 15 and knowing you wont be around to watch them grow up, when i heard this news it made me so sad, made me realise that my problems where nothing just little hickups in life compared to this.
Last year I didnt acheive all the things I had listed, I got the guitar and started playing again only to realise my carpal tunnell syndrome has effected that. I didnt get my motorbike licence or buy a bike I just couldnt afford to and after a freind having a very serious bike accident I am rethinking that one.
I an going to save some money and have that holiday I have wanted and needed for a few years, It may only turn out to be a week away in most likely Sabah (Borneo) but a week is better than nothing.
My job is great and that is something I acheived last year finding a great job and great people to work with.
Well enough for now it is way to hot and stuffy and im tired from staying up for new years eve.