Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Winners are grinners

Lasr night was the weekly trivia night at the local pub, my team the Terriers made up of some people i met there a couple of months ago and myself won last night. Woohoo a bottle of wine and a voucher for the bar for next week. Next week is the final and if you win you get $500. plus your tewam name on the trophy.

I was wanting to go away for the weekend but seems my freinds are to busy with their own lives to even spare a little time to come and check on my pooch and feed him. I will just have to go somewhere for a day trip and be home on saturday night. Then I will have to find dog freindly places to go and stay, only trouble being I like to go ut taking photos when i go away and the pooch can be distracting.

Time for me to go to work.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Dinner time

Week in review

starting Monday where i went to work as usual, but as it was the 5 year anniversary of my dads death I was rather quiet and subdued that day, one of the bosses even asked me if i was ok cause i was not my usually bubbly self. I explained to him why and he understood. Tuesday night was sopent at trivia night again with my new teammates the Terriers, kids came along and answered 2 questions so fun was had by all. we finished only 5 points behind the winners.

Thursday at work was busy unloading a big shipping container of goods, that took a while and lots of muscle powr by all of us, except for Lana who stayed at her desk answering the phones and making sure she didnt break a nail.

Friday was spent counting all the stock we had received, that took a long time. Trhen a drink before we all went home for a restfull weekend.

Today I woke at 4am and didnt really get back to sleep. I am about to head out and finish taking the pictures for my paid assignment ad put them onto a memory stick and hand them to my freind when she drops in later in the day. There is a thick fog this morning so that will make the pics a bit moody.

As for dates, I dont even want to know about them, maybe its me but according to my freinds who know me it is nothing to do with me So guys out there get real and at this point in time unless your can prove me wrong about your intentions and how you treat people I dont want to know you.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Five years

Sunday, July 01, 2007

end of a long week and tiring weekend

Well what a week that was, don't want to go through that again for a long time. My daughter had her surgery and she is fine. Friday was end of financial year at work and I was run of my feet as where all the other people at work. friday night was spent watching the bombers beat melbourne at a locla pub until late. I also happened to call my sister on her mobile friday night and surprise surprise her and hubby where in melb for the weekend and were not going to call. she made out she was busy but I ended up spending a couple of hours with her shopping, its about the only thing we have in common.
Saturday night I went to the movies with a freind who is seperated and going through stuff with her ex coming back to town and disrupting things. This morning i took ziggy to puppy school which was early and then spen the rest of the day feeling abosolutely stuffed after 2 weeks of being sick and going through emotional rollercoster but Brad and I are still connecting, at the moment with no expectations or promises know we have a bond and will be freinds for now and see what happens. I never walk away from someone I truly care about. Time for me to get some rest before another busy week ahead.