Saturday, April 29, 2006

Blue Skies

What a wonderful Friday I had, sky was blue, sun was shining and yes the birds were singing. I spent some time at Dight falls in Collingwood taking some pictures scrambling around the rocks etc it was such fun, to think it was 11am on a working day in a busy part of town and you would never have noticed it was so peaceful. Then I meandered around to the Studley park boathouse where I was going to take some more pictures, but I couldn't, there were workmen every where, apparantly the 100 year old jetty had floated away in a flood earlier in the year and had to be replaced and yes it is being replaced to look the same but with more modern building methods. I decided to have l unch at the Boathouse cafe overlooking the river and this was really nice, cabbage and bacon soup followed by lamb gnocchi and washed down with a nice juice.

I then went shopping in the evening as I have decided I need a better digital camera for taking my pictures so once deciding which one I wanted I set off with not much of a voice, haggling with all the different retailers. Having gotten the price down some $200. by the end I am now going to check out the duty free price and if it is cheaper again will get a freind to get it for me on his next work trip overseas.

Spent the rest of the evening having an internet chat with someone whom I have yet to meet but seems a very interesting person and In some ways we appeared to have done some similar things in our lives, but having said that I am reminded that my ex hubby and I had a lot of common interest and even shared the same birthdate and look where that ended up, in divorce after 14 years, but I like to keep an open mind on things.

Well a busy Saturday is ahead for me so I shall see what the days is like once it is over.

Friday, April 28, 2006

Dight Falls

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Why do I bother

I didn't end up getting that job, how can you compete with someone who already has experience in that industry. How you supposed to get experience in different industries if your not given the chance. But more likely the other candates was younger so some skirt for the male boss to perv on.

Another nice day in Melbourne today, I should be out and about doing stuff and taking photos and enjoying but instead im at home feeling crap, surfing the net for jobs. Can't even go to gym and workout and get rid of my anger as my back is out and need to rest it.

Well all the little housework jobs are not going to do themselves so off to the dishes and some washing.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006


Monday, April 24, 2006

cars that didnt eat paris

What becomes of the broken hearted

They get stomped on time and time again. Just when they think things are looking up something else goes wrong for them.

Well things have been good for me I had a job interview and and going back for a 2nd interview
this week so that is sounding promising. I also caught up with a freind on friday night and we just chilled out together watching dvd's and discussing our lives. Was just so nice to have a male person to chat with, no expectations, nothing more than freinds and open up about things to each other.

Yesterday was not great I went and lifted something and put my back out so it meant a trip to the physio and a week of 2 off gym and can hardly walk. But will have to put on a brave front and get on with things, seeing as my kids are not being to helpful.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Oh Happy Days

Fantastic day I am having, Two men arrived on my doorstep this morning to inform me they were here to connect the phone line from accross the street back to the house, my response was yippee your not leaving until it is done. Whilst that was being done I went and had a shiatsu massage to releive all my tensions and stress and now feel fantastic. My internet will now be working as of next wednesday so my post will be more regular and i can get back to doing all my online things, like applying for jobs and getting in contact with all my freinds around the country. I am smiling :-)

Fortunately for me I don't have to worry about anyone else in the hosuehold making decisions as im the only adult in the house.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Telephone line

How is it that a simple telephone line can be the centre of someones life and t hey way they do their business. It is now 12 days since i moved house and still have no phone line connected, had false start today when an electrician arrived to tell me he was re connecting phone wires in the house, only to then have him tell me the wires will be left haginign off the eaves of the house and it is not his job to get the phone wire of the street pole and connect it to the phone wires he just put into the house. Grrr this is frustrating. Am a little bit sick of relyig on freinds and internet cafes to access emails etc. Also not looking forward to my next mobile phone bill. Other than that the move has been great and kids couldnt be happeir they have a bedroom each and a big back yard. So for me its back to hassling the agents about having no phone. Till next time....

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Moving house

Well it has been a couple of weeks since my last post, I have been busy moving house and clearing out a lot of junk which I have found very cleansing. Having moved though there is no phone connected to the new property so I am having to survive without a phone or internet and rely on my mobile phone which is going to be an expensive phone bill. Hopefully the phone will be connected in the next week.

Nothing new to report, havent been on any dates I have just been relaxing with my kids and enjoying life. Further posts will arrive when I have something to report.